Sunday, June 4, 2017

Othello - Act 3 Scene 1 + Scene 2

Visual Component: 

Cassio pleads Desdemona to speak to Othello in order to get his position back.

Cassio sends musicians to play music to Othello in order to win his graces. Othello sends a clown, his servant to tell them to go away. Cassio asks the clown to entreat Emilia to come to speak with him so that Cassio can get a chance to speak to Desdemona. After the clown leaves, Iago comes in and tells Cassio that he will send Emilia to arrange a time for Cassio to speak to Desdemona privately. Iago leaves, and Emilia comes in and tell Cassio that Desdemona is talking to Othello about his case. Desdemona pleads for Cassio, but Othello considers Montano's influence in Cyprus would make Cassio hard to get back his position, through Othello cares for Cassio. Othello walks with Iago and another gentleman in the citadel. Othello gives some letters to Iago and asks him to deliver them to ship's captain. Othello then decides to inspect Cyprus's fortification. 

Character Development - Cassio
After losing his position of lieutenant, Cassio tries to do everything to win Othello's good disgrace in order to win his reputation back. First of all, Cassio sends musicians to play music to Othello, "Masters, play here (I will content your pains) / Something that's brief; and bid 'Good morrow, general.' "(3.1.1-3), but Othello is ungrateful to him. Then, Cassio pleads Emilia for a access to Desdemona, "I will bestow you where you shall have time / To speak your bosom freely", and Cassio hopes that Desdemona can speak for him before Othello. Cassio's character has been changed dramatically. He used to be an honorable lieutenant of general Othello, but now he has to entreat so many people to gain his reputation. Cassio is pathetic but also foolish because he has being badly used by Iago but he does not know. Cassio does not suspect that his dismiss is part of Iago's plan, however, he trusts Iago and appreciates that Iago asks his wife, Emilia to arrange access for him to speak to Desdemona privately. 

Interesting Question
Q: Has Iago ever worried that Desdemona would successfully persuade Othello to reappoint Cassio?
A: I don't think Iago has ever worried about this because before Desdemona speaks to Othello, Iago is planning to make insinuations before Othello about the suspicious relationship between Cassio and Desdemona. Iago believes that Othello would suspect Desdemona's loyalty to him as Desdemona strongly speaks for Cassio so that Othello will never reappoint Cassio as his lieutenant. 

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Othello - Act 3 Scene 4

Visual Component: Othello accuses Desdemona of losing handkerchief. Summary: ...