Sunday, June 11, 2017

Othello - Act 3 Scene 4

Visual Component:

Othello accuses Desdemona of losing handkerchief.

Desdemona asks Emilia where her handkerchief might be but Emilia claims she does not know. Othello comes in, takes Desdemona's hand and talks about the moistness, which hints sexual promiscuity. Othello then demands to see the handkerchief, Othello tells her the history of the handkerchief. An Egyptian gave it to Othello's mother and told her that the handkerchief would keep Othello's father loyal, but if she lost it, Othello's father would leave her. Othello's mother gave it to Othello and asks him to give the woman he wants to marry.and Desdemona again explains that she has it but not with her now. Othello does not believe her, and keeps demanding to see the handkerchief with increasing anger. Desdemona tries to change the subject by entreating for Cassio. Cassio comes in and is told that Othello is in bad mood. Emilia suspects that Othello is jealous, but Desdemona believes that Othello is angry with some some political matters. While Cassio is waiting for Desdemona, Bianca, a prostitute comes in and complains Cassio for not visiting her frequently. Cassio apologizes and asks her to copy the embroidery of a handkerchief onto another handkerchief. Bianca accuses him for giving the handkerchief to another woman, but Cassio tells her she is foolish. 

Character Development - Othello
In this scene, Othello has changed greatly. Othello is known as his well-controlled temper, but when he suspects that Desdemona may cheat on him, he becomes jealous and uncontrolled. First of all, Othello is jealous when he feels the moistness of Desdemona's hand because he suspects it as Desdemona's sexual promiscuity, "The hearts of old gave hands / But our new heraldry is hands, not hearts." (3.4.53-54). Othello is exaggerative when he says, "To lose 't or give 't away were such perdition / As nothing else could match." (3.4.78-79). Othello believes that if Desdemona lost the handkerchief, her love is gone as well, so Othello is exaggerated. Then, when Othello asks to see the handkerchief but Desdemona can not provide it, Othello becomes very protective, "Is 't lost? Is 't gone? Speak, is 't out o' th' way?"(3.4.93). It shows that Othello is worried and so afraid of losing the handkerchief and also shows the importance of the handkerchief. Therefore, Othello become too obsessive and hot-tempered when he says, "Fetch me the handkerchief! ... The handkerchief! ... The handkerchief!" (3.4.103-113). Othello constantly asks where the handkerchief is which shows his anger and lost of temper. Othello is deceptive when he says, "Well, my good lady. [Aside] O hardness to dissemble!" (3.4.147-148), because Othello feels suspicious of Desdemona but he tells her that he is fine. Othello is trying to hide his inner feeling from Desdemona, therefore he is deceptive. Overall, Othello has changed a lot since he starts to suspect that Desdemona has been cheating on him. It is easily seen that Othello's emotions are going down and his strengths are disappearing. It indicates that Iago's successful plan has gradually destroyed Othello. 

Interesting Question:
Q: Why doesn't Othello just ask if Desdemona give the handkerchief to Cassio. 

A: Othello is afraid of hearing Desdemona say that she did give it to Cassio. Othello thinks that maybe there is a millionth of probability that Desdemona does not cheat on him, so Othello does not want to break up with Desdemona right now. Othello also wants Desdemona to tell him everything but not wait until Othello asks her.

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Othello - Act 3 Scene 4

Visual Component: Othello accuses Desdemona of losing handkerchief. Summary: ...